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Specific pieces of the Genesis 9 content are allowed to be used as a "Merchant Resource" as explained in this document.

Definition of Merchant Resource

A "Merchant Resource" is a piece of content that can be used as a starting point in your own content. Daz is not giving up our ownership of the content, we are providing you with a license to use it in a limited way.

Only content listed in this document should be used as a merchant resource and only within the usage rights spelled out below.

Merchant Resource Usage Rights

  • These merchant resources can be used as starting points for any content that will be sold on the Daz store.

  • Filenames must change to prevent conflicts

  • In general the merchant resources must change enough so they aren't obviously the same. A couple examples:

    • Less obvious items such as roughness or specular maps don't need to be changed but it would be required for the color and SSS maps.

    • Creating a head or morph pack that is simply a renaming of the merchant resource files is not allowed

  • If a product using the merchant resources is rejected by the Daz review team, the product may not be distributed on other sites without first removing the content derived from the merchant resources

Merchant Resource File List

Only the files specified here are available to be used as merchant resources.

  • "Genesis 9 Body Shapes" product

    • All shapes (see product file listing on the readme page for specific list)
  • "Genesis 9 Head Shapes" product

    • All shapes (see product file listing on the readme page for specific list)
  • Genesis 9 Starter Essentials

    • Shapes

      • Base Feminine

      • Base Masculine

    • Clothing Templates - All templates in:

      • /data/DAZ 3D/Genesis 9/Base/Projection Templates/Base
    • Textures - All files in:

      • /Runtime/Textures/DAZ/Characters/Genesis9/Base/Feminine_01

      • /Runtime/Textures/DAZ/Characters/Genesis9/Base/Feminine_02

      • /Runtime/Textures/DAZ/Characters/Genesis9/Base/Feminine_03

      • /Runtime/Textures/DAZ/Characters/Genesis9/Base/Feminine_04

      • /Runtime/Textures/DAZ/Characters/Genesis9/Base/Masculine_01

      • /Runtime/Textures/DAZ/Characters/Genesis9/Base/Masculine_02

      • /Runtime/Textures/DAZ/Characters/Genesis9/Base/Masculine_03

      • /Runtime/Textures/DAZ/Characters/Genesis9/Base/Masculine_04

To make it easier identifying which shapes are part of the shape packs, we have colored them