What is ‘Rigging’ for Daz Studio Characters?
The term rigging is generic and is used too broadly to describe various different aspects of animatability.
FK Rigging
The core mechanical stuff that bends a limb.
Weights, bones, things which are set by the figure base at its creation, and are unchangeable for the lifetime of that figure base. No character edits the weight mapping or bone count/layout of the Genesis base. If they did, compatibility would be broken with add-on items.
IK Rigging
The constraints and links allow automatic animation to happen. E.g. linking a character's hands to the handles or pedals of a bike, and letting the motions of the bike drive the limbs of the person.
FK Correction Rigging
these are sculpting fixes created to address aesthetically poor character limb posing FK performance. This is primarily a sculpting discipline, with corrective blendshapes made against the posed result of the character + the genesis FK rigging. This is what we are referring to when we say “character rigging”.