[Checking an Expression]{.underline}
In Daz Studio:
a. Determine if the Expressions Include Custom Dials or are just dial spins.
i. Check the data//morphs folder for new parameters ii. If there are new dials, they need to have aliases as well (will be in the morphs folder)
b. Load the base figure that the expressions are made for into the scene.
i. If there are new dials, Check the log file to make sure there are no errors.
c. Select the figure in the Scene pane.
i. If there are new dials: 1. Go to the Parameters pane \> Pose Controls \> Head \> > Expressions. a. Dial up the expressions. 2. Make sure that the limits are set correctly. a. If limits are set too high, the expression will > become distorted. 3. Make sure the expressions do not distort anything else > on the body. a. Ex. teeth, eyes, etc.
d. If there are expression presets:
i. Load them onto the figure. ii. Check the log file to make sure there are no errors.. iii. Make sure the expressions do not distort anything else on the body. 1. Ex. teeth, eyes, etc. iv. Make sure that the expression that is applied matches what is in the thumbnail (if there is a thumbnail.) v. Presets in an Expression set should reset any expression it's not applying. 1. i.e. Applying one after the other, the expressions should not stack. vi. Expression sets should include a Reset All that resets the included expressions.