[Testing Scripts]{.underline}

  1. If there is any documentation.

    1. Proofread for spelling/grammar errors.

    2. Look through folder structure.

      1. If this is just a scripts product.

        1. Should be in Scripts/PA Name/Product Name

        2. Sometimes PA omit The PA Name and just do > Scripts/Product Name

      2. If this is just scripts inside a product like a page store script in a Pose product Leave it as is.

      3. If Spelling/Folder names need changing send back to pa because it can affect the scripts.

      4. Sometimes the PA will have "Resource" or similar folder where they keep items used in the execution of the scripts, do not change them or it will break the scripts.

    3. In Daz Studio:

      1. Clear the Daz Studio log file.

      2. Load a relevant figure into scene if needed.

      3. Run script and look in log for any errors

        1. If any errors pop up or are in trouble shooting log, > note them and fix prior to submission
      4. Go through all options on the script:

        1. This can take a very long time if it is a big script > with a lot of options.
      5. If the scripts have Graphic options Render them:

        1. Make sure they apply correctly.

        2. In case of Items like Skin Builder/ UV scripts look for > Seams.

      6. If Scripts affect Bone movement:

        1. Make sure that they Pose correctly.

        2. Note any problems to PA.

    4. Packing a Script product.

      1. It is required to have the specific scripting references cited.

        1. If a product includes Scripts (.DSA, .DSB) other than > the weblink or message popups...but a script that > does practically anything else.

        2. Please include links to each of the sample scripts in > the wiki they used. Not just to the generic samples > page.

      2. In the ReadMe note section the following should be there.

        1. * This product contains scripts that include source or > derivative code from the following Scripting Samples:

* [[/public/software/dazstudio/4/referenceguide/scripting/api_reference/samples/start]]