[Checking Hair]{.underline}

  1. In Daz Studio:

    a. Load the base figure into the scene.

    i.  Clear your Daz Studio log file.
        1.  Load ALL hair onto the figure.
        2.  Go into the log file and make sure that there are no
    ii. If there are no errors:
        1.  Look at the hair from different angles (using the orbit
            tool) and make sure it does not poke- through the body.
        2.  Load the base body morph dials. The hair needs to work
            with these also.
        3.  Pose the figure using the QA poses.
            a.  Select the relevant bones based on the hair. Use the
                > Bend, Twist, Side-Side and Front-Back morph dials
                > to make sure the hair moves correctly, or use the
                > individual joint test poses from PA Support
                > Package.
            b.  (look at JCM's) and make sure the hair does work
                with these.
                i.  Using the Check JCM Scripts will make this
            c.  Watch for stray Vertices (a vert stretching out from
                > the main body of the hair)
    iii. Select the hair in the Scene pane
         1.  Check that each piece is selectable in the viewport.
             a.  You should be able to click/right+click on any part
                 > of the piece and have the option to select that
                 > part.
         2.  Shade each MAT zone a different color.
             a.  Go to the surfaces pane and change the Diffuse or
                 > Base Color for each Zone, or you can use the
                 > Random Color All Items script from QA Scripts.
         3.  Go to the Parameters pane \> select actor and test ALL
             of the hair dials.
             a.  Make sure that all of them work correctly.
             b.  Make sure that limits are set to a reasonable
                 > value.
             c.  Make sure that the morphs don't move anything else
                 > on the mesh.
             d.  If there is a little bit of poke-through, it's
                 > fine. These are meant to be used with poses.
             e.  The mesh should NOT fold in on itself.
         4.  Test hair against the list of support shapes.
         5.  Now, test the materials for the hair.
             a.  Load all materials separately and make sure that
                 > they do not produce any errors.
             b.  Make sure that the materials applied are the same
                 > materials that are shown in the thumbnails.
    iv. Render using the correct render engine.
        1.  Make sure that the hair renders correctly.
        2.  Do a full render of default hair material, then confirm
            that the others of the same map are fine utilizing the
            Iray draw style for the viewport..
            a.  If a material utilizes a different hair map then
                > that will need to be fully rendered as well.
    v.  Repeat steps for EVERY hair prop.