Checking an Environment
Load the Environment
Clear the Daz Studio log file and load the environment into the scene.
- Make sure that no error messages appear in the log file.
- Ensure there is a preset to load the complete environment (with props).
- Props with scene presets should load in the correct positions (not at 0,0).
If it is an HDRI, ensure the environment appears when rendered.
- If there is a background under environment, it must be set to None so that the HDRI shows up in the render.
Check each item is selectable in the viewport.
You should be able to click/right+click on any item and have the option to select that item.
- Check that items which should be moveable are. In most cases, this includes doors opening.
Load a figure into the scene.
Make sure that the environment is scaled in reference to the figure. The scaling should be proportioned correctly.
Check unique features of the environment. If there are:
Make sure that each camera moves to the correct position in the scene.
- Camera should match the environment thumbnail.
- If Camera is Pointed at a wall check to see if the wall is Hide-able
Make sure they apply and render correctly.
Render Settings
Make sure they apply correctly.
Make sure that they load and render correctly. Render the environment. Make sure that the environment renders correct in the correct render engine(s).